I lied to you and I am not sorry

I cant say I am sorry. I have lied numerous times. Numerous times. I have lied and for the most part no one has ever found out. I am not stood onstage always ‘living the dream’. I just lie to my audience that I am. That is what being an entertainer is about. Lying to ensure your audience believe the fairy tale. Secretly you could be battling the world but on that stage you are champagne guzzling diamond polishing your turd of life to blind their eyes and take them out of their life into a world of make believe. An entertainer has the important and amazing role to transport their audience away from their lives so they to can be part of the magic, even if it is only for one night only. We provide escapism. Fantasy and surrealism.

Our stage lies are ok. Acceptable. Know what isnt? Lying to yourself. Dont believe your own stage lies. Dont believe the lies of those around you. The stage isnt a real life. It is a life but not a tangible one. Your real life will not be as glossy and sparkled as your limelight styling. That is ok. That is normal. In all its abnormality, it is so normal! It is the bread and butter of your soul. What builds you, motivates you, challenges you, enhances you and makes your life yours.

Showgals dont worry about bills, their fridge thats on the blink or their son’s homework. The Sarahs, the Lisas, the Emmas, the Kims and the rest of us do that. So dont drink the Koolaid of glamour and yearn to live the life of that superstar you follow online. They dont have the rosey life. Its polished, its marketed and it’s glammed up to look like it is all effortless and tranquil. It is for the audience. For them to believe in our magic. Not us. We know better.

#Blessed? No #hidingitlikeapro.

Be brave. Be you.

We are all in this together.



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