Likes Likey On Instagram

Instagram Updates Again!

Hold the front page, it would seem that the trash papers (aka the tabloids) are ranting about influencers having to get ‘real jobs’ because Instagram has shaken it up again with them starting to hide likes on the platform for some accounts in certain areas.

Firstly REAL JOBS!? Lets just say some of those influencers actually do work hard to create those accounts. Yes there are some muppets who think posting a few mirror selfies makes them something but a real influencer uses their account to promote brands and their own niche just like advertising agencies. Oh I know it sounds way too far fetched but to think there are jobs existing today that didnt exist last century. So buckle up and accept it is a job. Though some dont see it as such and its more a vanity project. But on some level that is ok…

So with Instagram removing likes, is that really that bad? Are influencers really gonna suffer? Nope.

Why Not?

When it comes to really working instagram, it is actually about working it. Not about getting likes on a page or a quick follow. That is nothing more than a one click interaction. Brands and agencies dont want that instant one shot wonder. They want ENGAGEMENT. Engagement that is comments more than an emoji, more than a one word comment. They want lengthy left. They want questions asked and answered.

So what does the removal of likes mean? Nothing for those who are actually influencers. Those who actually encourage social interaction beyond the one click wonders will see little drop off. Those who buy likes and purely do it for a vanity project will suffer. An influencer is someone who actually has cause and effect with their posts.

So cause that effect. Pose questions, reply to comments and forever keep posting what fits with your mindset.

I dont have all the answers but I have seen more engagement on my posts with some basic engagement tips and boom its happening. Likes…schmikes.

Check my own account here: KhandieKhisses

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