Running Away With The Circus

Blinking heck! What a shoot!! I mean honestly WHAT A SHOOT!? The photographer is a local Canberra lady called Hayley Richardson and she is a darling. I honestly have never had so much fun on set…well apart from with Mitch Jenkins. He is saucy.

I arrive early on set with Tiffany Blue having had next to no sleep after last night’s show to find a blinking circus set complete with life size zebra and a real life performing pooch awaiting for us. With two talented make up artists on set it wasnt long before I was looking more alive and for once very glam. I wont give too much away as that would ruin the surprise of the photo set when I can show them. So instead gawp at the random ones I can show.

ding dong...ha
Jane Fonda can eat my lard. My work out vid will rock!
pose! I look very glam.

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