How To Not Give A F*ck

Its official I give not one proverbial poo about a lot of what people think about me. Ok so that isnt entirely true but it is something I aspire to be and think like. Too many people want to get in and up in your business deeper than my doctor does doing my smear test. I wont go into why people do it as you learn that you cant change people, only yourself.

So here are my top tips on how to give a f*ck on what people think about you (and yes your desire to do burlesque…this is a burlesque website after all)

  1. Quit social media once in a while. Dont announce it. Announcing it means people will enquire more so and thus getting more in your business. Why court the drama? Counterproductive do ya think. Set up your out of office auto replies (tell me you knew Facebook did that?!) and take some breather days. Stop bombarding yourself with all the visuals of other people and their drama.
  2. Streamline your social media. Yeah I just told you to come off it, but actually work on streamlining. Clear out the clutter. You dont have to unfriend people, you can simply unfollow them to avoid their dramas. I would consider if you feel unable to remove them limiting your screen time. Seeing drama is gonna stir stuff up so reduce your time in it. PLUS it is worth remembering social media dramatises EVERYTHING so its not always has dramatic as it seems.
  3. Get outside. Seriously. Go for a walk, a pooter, a swagger, a saunter or a gallop. Walk in the open air and deep breath. Unless you are in China and the pollution level is super high…watch for that. Clear those lungs and help refocus that brain of yours.
  4. Dont believe it all. Sometimes people vent at you to simply vent. That venting can be bring over emotional recollections of such incidents and a little more creative inputs are added. Just listen but search for the facts. Digest them and then add emotion on top. Leading with the emotion first means we end up hurting too but there could be a simpler way to deal with the issues. Tackle issues with your head and then your heart. It is tough but it will help you.
  5. People will always talk. Lets face it, people will always have something to say about someone. We love a good gossip, a chin wag and a bicker. Sometimes its pure bollocks and sometimes there is truths. Either way you know your own truth. You dont need to be a warrior and constantly stand up for yourself. You can simply choose to let the twat gossip and prove them wrong with your actions. Live your good life, your own awesome. People believe more when they see evidence, not when we tell them. Show and tell. But do it more for you. Plus I always think those with time to gossip arent doing too much else to keep them busy.
  6. Dont waste the energy. We spend days and weeks worrying about all the things people have done and said to us. At some point we can take no more and end up breaking down. Then we spend days and weeks rebuilding. Well how about you STOP the worrying. Learn to say FUCK IT. Walk the hell away. Your drama is not mine. Say fuck it and mean it. I am not the ringmaster to this show of monkeys. You created it. I did not. Walk away. My energy is spent better doing anything else but trying to navigate this shit storm.
  7. Enjoy the moments. When you do get those highs, be sure to recognise them. Write them down. The same with the not so good bits. Remind yourself of your awesome and what you learnt. Whats the point of going through drama if you learn nothing from it. If you truly learn nothing of value, question why then you stayed in it. No one is handing out brownie points here for this.
  8. Actually say FUCK IT. I AM DONE!  (other less sweary wording is available but marginally less click baity so yeah).  Be done. You dont have to always fight. You can walk away. Not in defeat but because some issues arent worth paying the ticket price to ride the drama.

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