I cried in Costa – Why?

I am often told by friends that I do too much. That I am always working. I would not have swapped my world for anything. I have an amazing and very privileged life. I get to entertain people, photograph people and so much more.

Recently however my world fell apart. Late on a Sunday night a few weeks ago, I was rushed into hospital. In the weeks previous, I thought I had an ear infection due to headaches and dizziness. I had tried antibiotic drops but nothing appeased it. Then Sunday I became very slurred in speech. My face left numb. I rang the NHS direct line and was told either I go immediately to hospital or they would order an ambulance. Thats when I realised I wasnt suffering from an ear infection.

I arrived in the hospital and straight away the flurry of medical activity happened.  Blood tests, ECGs, CT and MRI scans. I was calm but to be honest I am pretty much a cold fish in this sort of situation. I could barely maintain my balance. I felt like I was on a fairground ride. The world was spinning and my eyes couldnt focus.

A lovely doctor came to speak to me. He sat next to me and told me there was a smudge on my CT scan. I didnt understand and said ‘perhaps its time to clean the monitor’. He laughed but thats when the words T.I.A and stroke were spoken.

TIA is often referred to as a mini stroke but can sometimes mean a full stroke is on its way. It seems I had a few. I had a bleed in my brain. My weeks of ear infection…may not have been that. I wasnt scared. Its easy to disassociate yourself from an affliction you cant see. Stupid I know.

I am left now with some confusion when tired. I become somewhat tongue tied. So when I cried yesterday in Costa Coffee because I could not repeat my order, I am not hormonal, or forgetful. Its because I am scared that I cant say what I mean to say.

Thankfully all symptoms will go away in time.

I have to say I have kept this somewhat close to my chest. Its not something to boast about but it seems TIAs are becoming quite common if the hospital waiting room was anything to go by.

I have since been back performing…no less than a week later in Swansea. I got two standing ovations and it made all of this crap worth it. I am a happy lady. I am ok. I am lucky. I am not invincible but I am damn strong. I am back in front of the camera and behind it, I am back performing and its the best therapy for my soul ever.

To look at me you wouldnt know. Thats just how I like it. I dont need handling with kid gloves. I dont need special treatment. I am the same performer. The same nut job.

I dont need sympathy. I just want people to be mindful of their bodies, be aware of actions and also know if you have suffered this, you arent alone xxx

Copyright Lucy Cookson (my ickle sister no less)



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  1. Dear Khandie,
    I’m pleased you are back on your heels. Like yourself, 2 years ago I suffered from a TIA, didn’t take any notice of it, just thought i got up too fast, carried on with my day and went to work. The following day at work I noticed the effects, this is when I was sent to have MRI’s, 24 hour heart monitor and muliple tests. It turned out I had a suffered from a TIA, which I wasn’t aware was a mini stroke! I was told all this came about by being stressed, doing too much and looking after others more than myself.
    I can’t change the way I work, worry or fly about, but I do know the signs when I need to sit and take a breather, to prevent further issues.
    Mine is the pins and needles I get around my chin and lips now, I do listen to these signs, to take 5, but it doesn’t stop me from being the crazy me! :)xxx

  2. Rocio O'Leary (Chio)

    We were so honoured of having you in Swansea. You are a “Brave Heart”…xx

  3. i was in the show in swansea with my hubby you were bloody awsome, best act i have ever seen. go girl swansea loved you.x

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