Bedtime Stories A La Twitter

A few nights ago when yet another bout of insomnia gripped me I decided to see what entertainment ye olde Twitter could bring me.

After a half hearted plea for someone to tell me a story involving knights and dragons, some fine fellow stepped up. That fine fellow was a new follower of mine who uses the name Sir James Perryman. You can follow his own Twitter feed here:

The lovely man wrote me a bedtime story though confined to the constraints of Twitter so each post was no more than 140 characters long. I loved it so much I thought I would share it here with you. Each line denotes a Twitter update from him:

once upon a time there was a galant knight who dwelled in a lonely high tower

Having fallen so precipitously from his noble steed, he was besieged by agony of anguish in his petrified eyrie

Although he was shackled and bound, his heart and mind was free. It soared like a sea eagle on the North wind

Searching, seeking, yearning for his salvation. The ybounden knight knew that his salvation dwelt in the stars

and his salvation would dance across the clouds which were as white as his noble steed. Shackled into a tower, 50 fathoms hi

with Walls made of cruellest gritstone, only the fearless one could save him.

One dark cold winter’s night, he heard from the arrow slit, the distant sound of sweet musick

The music swelled and rose until the very Walls quivered to the witching rhythm. There was a blinding flash and lightning

tore the sky assunder from horizon to horizon. And through the rent did dance The fearless one. Clad in gossamer and silk

Fire in her eyes and nectar on her carmine lips. The storm clouds shattered before her and on her head the silver moon

rested like a crown. Salvate nos! Cried the knight

and he raged and mithered at his shackles. All his strength, all of his knowledge only bound the bonds tighter

but they were as naught to the fearless one. Bitter black iron were his shackles, but they crumbled to dust

when the fearless one brought down the stars to her right hand with one adamantine laugh. The gritstone was tumbled

to the valley below and the tower fell into the abyss. But the knight did not plummet to the stygian pit for he was

clad with eagles wings by the fearless one and together they ascended to the stars.

Isnt it delightful???

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