An Open Letter To A Fan

Last night I opened my email to find a message from a broken self proclaimed fan. It hit me hard so I share my reply (with details omitted that would identify the recipient and with their full consent).

My reply:

Dear wonderful, because that  is what you are.

Its been 31 days and already the first part of 2018 is done. Its dusted and gone.  You tell me you feel lost, that you feel you have achieved nothing and already a failure.


Stop it. 31 days is not 31 moments of lack lustre. It is not 31 chances of a New Year New Me conquest. Only time is measurable. Your potential is not. It is impossible to measure how much a single person can achieve.

You have so much potential and it is not always discovered or exposed in a certain time frame.

We dont need to measure ourselves when we have unquantifiable. We are not measured. We are not volumes or lengths or anything other than unstoppable. Unfathomable. Infinite.

Our achievements can be slow coming and they can be so rapid we barely breath. We dont stop chasing them though. We can slowly walk towards them or sprint but either way if we stop, stop because we want to rest and take stock. Not because we give up. Our goals can change when we are so close we can smell them.  Our perception of completion is different for us all. Done does not always have the same meaning to us all.

Just dont give up.

You have more amazing yet to come. Each block is just another step to go up. Each fall is not a drop, it is a route change.

Be brave my darling. You are infinite.


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